Friday, February 6, 2009

its my bday today!!!

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to nicole
happy birthday to me
22 years old!!! woooohooo

haha i a dork. :oP


  1. Happy Birthday Nikki! Oh, how I wish I were 22 again! Lol... Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog about my gallery piece. I am half way through with my 5th painting, and I will post it when I am finished.

    As for opening the Etsy shop, it was a relief to finally do it, but with my gallery show, I haven't had much time to add anything new yet. It takes work that I haven't been able to dedicate yet, and hopefully I can do that soon.

    You're work is beautiful and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to you as well : )

    Take care, and have a wonderful weekend and rest of your birthday!


  2. Awwww! Happy Birthday!
    .... and dorks are cool ;)

  3. Hope you had a great bday girlie :)

  4. Hi Nikki......happy belated birthday!!!


thanks for your comment! :o)~